New! Plan With Me Series with Planning Mindfully

A new month is almost upon us! I don’t know about you, but this month is flying faster than I can believe.

Heck with this month, how about this year?!?!

Bullet Journal Inspiration | Start planning with Planning Mindfully every month! A brand new Plan with Me series is about to go live and you should get involved with your own bullet journals and planners! Learn how I keep up my planners and bullet journals every month. Get tons of bullet journal ideas and inspiration!

Looking back, it’s amazing to think that I’m about to go into my 19th month of bullet journals. Each month has taught me different lessons about how I function and what is best for my bullet journal.

Read: Why You Should Have a Monthly Review in Your Bullet Journal

Flipping through the pages of my three filled bullet journals, I see so much growth. My art is better. My layouts are optimized. I’ve become much more organized and efficient, which is pretty amazing because it wasn’t that long ago that I felt like I’d never find a way to escape my lousy time management capabilities.

Because it’s had such an impact on my life in positive ways, I decided that it’s about time that I share this process of growth and change in my bullet journal directly with you! I believe the easiest way to go about this is to introduce a Planning Mindfully ‘Plan with Me’ series!

(This article contains affiliate links; if you click on items and purchase them, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. For more information, read my disclosure.)

Why I’m Doing a Plan With Me Series

It’s possible some of you think that these types of posts are rather cliche; I mean, so many other bullet journal artists share these every month. Maybe you’re asking why add another one into the mix?

Well, despite the truth in how many individuals do the ‘Plan With Me’ series, I personally think they are very valuable tools. The more, the merrier!

Bullet Journal Inspiration | Start planning with Planning Mindfully every month! A brand new Plan with Me series is about to go live and you should get involved with your own bullet journals and planners! Learn how I keep up my planners and bullet journals every month. Get tons of bullet journal ideas and inspiration!

Have you ever noticed that every bullet journal and planner blog and social media account kind of has their own twist? Some, like mine, focus on the time management and personal development side of the spectrum. Others focus on the art! But it doesn’t matter; it provides you with inspiration, ideas, motivation- you name it!

My story is quite a bit different than some of my other favorite bullet journal bloggers. When you break it down, I’m a mom, I work full time, I’m running a relatively successful blog, and maintaining a bullet journal. I wear a lot of hats, and I know a lot of people feel hesitant to even start a bullet journal because they worry they don’t have enough time.

So, my ‘Plan With Me’ series is breaking down my process! Why I select the layouts I do, the themes that I choose and how I implement them,  and the tools and stationery I utilize to set up my bullet journal.

But there’s one more thing that I’m going to share with you that I feel isn’t something you find in many ‘Plan with Me’ accounts.

I think that it’s important that I share the lessons I learn, the problems I faced, and how I adjust to make the next month even better in my bullet journal.

Why You Should Follow My Plan with Me Series

You’ll find value in following Planning Mindfully’s ‘Plan with Me’ series because I keep it real. Here is why you’ll benefit following this series:

  • I’m not an expert doodler or artist. Getting better, but I’ll admit readily I’m not the best. I’m sure many of you feel intimidated to start a bullet journal because you don’t think you’re a good enough artist. That’s normal but a significant reason why people struggle to start or maintain a bullet journal.
  • I’m not this super organized, uber-clean, got it together ‘Type A’ person. The time management world is filled with those types. And when you’re a ‘Type B’, prone to procrastinate, creative, like to set your own agenda type of person, you can’t really connect with that. My house is messy sometimes. Ok, it’s messy all of the time. I forget things. Sometimes I forget to use my bullet journal for a few days. I’ll be willing to bet that you are much like how I am! Thus,  you’ll get tremendous value in seeing how this works in a person like you.
  • I fully admit that I make mistakes.
  • I want to help you make your bullet journal better!

Bullet Journal Inspiration | Start planning with Planning Mindfully every month! A brand new Plan with Me series is about to go live and you should get involved with your own bullet journals and planners! Learn how I keep up my planners and bullet journals every month. Get tons of bullet journal ideas and inspiration!

You’ll get my exact process and know everything I do to succeed. I’m a person just like you! I’m very busy and I’m not this super stellar artist. I understand your concerns and problems with bullet journals! Many of my articles are about solving these specific concerns already!

Read: How to Figure Out Time Management with a Type B Personality

What To Expect Each Month

So what can you expect from this awesome new Plan with Me series?

  1. You’ll know how I create all of my bullet journal and/or planner spreads, including links to all the products I talk about.
  2. You’ll get a detailed review of my previous month’s ‘Month in Review’. I will share what I liked and disliked about the previous month, and how I plan to adjust the new month accordingly.
  3. You’ll get fun tips and suggestions on how to optimize your monthly and weekly layouts.
  4. You will have opportunities to get featured on future Plan with Me series blog posts. That is if you like what I do and feel inspired to try similar layouts!

Personally, I’m beyond excited to share my creations with you more in detail! I always aim to inspire and help you create.

If you want to know more about bullet journals in the meantime, make sure to check out my Bullet Journal Inspiration page to find every bullet journal post written by Planning Mindfully!

Bullet Journal Inspiration | Start planning with Planning Mindfully every month! A brand new Plan with Me series is about to go live and you should get involved with your own bullet journals and planners! Learn how I keep up my planners and bullet journals every month. Get tons of bullet journal ideas and inspiration!

In the future, I hope to spread this concept further by doing videos and live social media events! If you have any ideas of things you’d like me to bring up in future ‘Plan with Me’ posts, let me know in the comments!

Excited to get on this adventure with you!

Materials From Images: Scribbles That Matter A5 Dot Grid Planner, Pilot G-2 Pens, Pipsticks Stickers




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Bullet Journal Inspiration | Start planning with Planning Mindfully every month! A brand new Plan with Me series is about to go live and you should get involved with your own bullet journals and planners! Learn how I keep up my planners and bullet journals every month. Get tons of bullet journal ideas and inspiration!

Bullet Journal Inspiration | Start planning with Planning Mindfully every month! A brand new Plan with Me series is about to go live and you should get involved with your own bullet journals and planners! Learn how I keep up my planners and bullet journals every month. Get tons of bullet journal ideas and inspiration!