It may be October, but like many planners and bullet journal enthusiasts, we like to be prepared! Christmas is less than three months away! Personally, it’s never too early to prepare for Christmas! And there are many bullet journal ideas for Christmas to start off your holiday on the right foot.
Table of Contents
Bullet Journal Ideas for Christmas So Soon?
Never too soon to get started!
Beautiful Christmas collection shared by Emily on her Instagram page!
If you are one of those people who scream ‘let’s get past Halloween or Thanksgiving, first!”, your frustration is well understood. And there is nothing wrong with waiting until after the other holidays pass.
But the whole point of using your bullet journal is to be more prepared. And by starting your Christmas spreads a few months ahead of time, you can reap so many positive benefits, such as:
- You may save money by having more time to watch for sales and specials.
- When your child tells you something they want for Christmas, you have a place to write it down!
- You have a place to write out what you want for Christmas. (Extra beneficial for those with a significant other who have no idea what to buy you!).
- You can plan out your holiday events.
- You have a place to organize Christmas letters.
Bullet Journal Ideas for Christmas to Start Out
Christmas spreads in your bullet journal typically fall into two categories: Preparation and anticipation. Preparation can be done in advance, and basically help you organize for the holiday to come. These can be made a few months in advance.
Here are some awesome preparation spreads to try out for getting ready for Christmas!
Christmas Card Spread
Never worry about your Christmas letters again!
Receiving Christmas cards is extremely enjoyable! However, sending them out is a lot of work! Not only do you have to purchase (and sometimes customize!) the cards, but you have to sort out who will get them and how they will receive the cards.
Christmas card bullet journal spreads help to organize this information!
These Christmas spreads vary depending on how detailed this task is for you. It may be as simple as a list of people that you mark off as you send the letter.
My Christmas Card spread separates into two sections. The section with the envelopes focus on the families receiving Christmas cards by mail. The right box is the list of people who receive their cards in person. I included a list of supplies I need for sending out letters, such as envelopes and stamps.
Christmas Gift Ideas
Your bullet journal is the perfect place for your holiday wishlist!
It’s also a great place to write down your ideas for other people.
This bullet journal spread is your place to write down those ideas that your friends and family nonchalantly provide. This type of layout helps eliminate concerns about having to wait last minute and panicking because you don’t know what to get!
This particular layout is actually very simple to implement. I’ve created three rows: one of the name of the person, another for the gift idea, and the last for the cost.
If you prefer to create additional detail to this spread, it would be very simple to add! You can add additional boxes; for instance, you could have a budget box, a check mark section for preparing the present, and even a check mark section for giving the gift!
Personal Wishlist
Create your own wishlist for those who don’t know what they want themselves. Or create a personal wishlist for those who may have family and friends who aren’t good at buying presents!
A personal wishlist could be as simple as a list of the items you like! You can provide additional detail such as cost and where to purchase in the wishlist, too!
The layout shown here actually follows the popular ‘want, need, wear, read’ format. I like having this wishlist layout because it gives people a better idea of types of objects I desire. For instance, I have some family who would prefer to give me something I ‘need’, while others may prefer to give me a gift that’s more fun.
Christmas Event Preparations
Make sure your holiday events run smoothly with help from your bullet journal!
Everybody is generally busy with family or events for the holiday season. Thus, your bullet journal is an incredible place to manage your Christmas events!
The layout shown is tracking a family dinner! You can write the itinerary of the evening (when you’ll eat, what you’ll do), the types of food, and even who will be coming to your party!
Other bullet journal ideas for Christmas events include:
- Secret Santa at work or school
- White elephant parties
- Holiday vacations
- Church activities
In all, there is no shortage of fantastic Christmas events to plan for!
Anticipatory Bullet Journal Ideas for Christmas
Preparation aside, Christmas is a joyful time of year for many! Many people look forward to the days and weeks leading up to Christmas, and that’s very true for many people who use a bullet journal.
Christmas Countdown
Make it look like an actually Christmas tree, or color the boxes any way you want!
This type of Christmas bullet journal layout is fun for any holiday enthusiast! Whether you’re leading up to the “12 Days of Christmas” or just counting down the days from December 1, there are many ways you can implement a fun countdown!
This countdown features an ‘advent box’ type created in a Christmas tree, to ‘decorate’ each box as you get closer to Christmas. This could be a fun activity you share with family leading up to Christmas. You can read part of the Christmas story, and then let a member of the family color in the box.
Other cute ideas for Christmas countdown options to try include:
- Christmas lights
- Christmas ornaments
- Candy canes
- Gingerbread men
- Bells
Plus, this type of tracker would look amazing in your monthly layout for December!
Holiday Bucket List
All the things I want to do this holiday season!
Everybody loves something about the holidays… and your bullet journal is an excellent place to write these down!
One simple idea is to create a simple list of holiday traditions. Or you can write a detailed list of all the things you’d like to do for the holiday season.
This layout features a ‘holiday bucket list’. It has a checklist of all the things I’d like to do this Christmas season, along with some adorable doodles that correspond to each item!
Favorite Things List
As a musician this is probably one of my favorite spreads!
Trackers and collections of favorite things vary significantly from person to person!
I’m a big fan of music, so I created a ‘favorite Christmas carol’ list. I adorned the list with some cute music notes, Christmas bells, and lyrics from some Christmas carols!
In addition, some other fantastic list ideas for the holiday to try in your bullet journal include:
- Favorite Christmas cookies
- Favorite Christmas bible verses
- Most enjoyable outdoor winter activities
- Best holiday events
- Favorite place to see Christmas lights
Celebrate Christmas and Be Organized!
Christmas is such a big time of year, and nobody likes to feel rushed or unprepared! Your bullet journal provides so many fun ways to prepare for a lovely holiday season! That’s why I am sharing these bullet journal ideas for Christmas so soon. I earnestly hope that your holiday is as relaxed as can be.
If you haven’t thought about creating spreads to compliment your holiday, you should try a few this year!
If you already use your bullet journal for Christmas, what do you do to make your holiday season organized? I’d love to hear about your favorite bullet journal Christmas layouts in the comments!
Until then,
Did this article fill you with holiday cheer?
Please share it with your friends on Pinterest!
Hi Rachel, this looks very nice. I never planned for Christmas like this before, but I might this year. Thanks!